Changes in the agreement on the Use of CZMVS
The access of the End Users to the NSOL National System is established on the basis of conclusion of the Agreement on the Use of the NSOL National System (hereinafter the „Agreement“). NOOL concluded the Agreement with most of the End Users before 9 February 2019, i.e. in version 2.
On 9 February 2019, the NSOL National System was put into operation and in connection therewith a new version of the Agreement - version 3 - was drafted. Version 3 of the Agreement contains some new obligations of NOOL compared to the previous version.
For the period until the amendments to the Agreement taking into account this addition are concluded with individual End Users, NOOL declares that it will also assume all obligations contained in version 3 of the Agreement vis-a-vis the End Users with whom version 2 of the Agreement was signed. For this purpose, NOOL issues this Statement, including an overview of the new obligations of NOOL.
End-users should be asked by e-mail to accept changes in the Agreement via NOOL portal within couple of days.