Distributors – Pharmacies


Alert management system operated by CZMVO-NOOL is a supplementary system to the Czech national medicines verification system (CZMVS). Purpose of the system is to make alert investigation easier and support automation of the investigation process. Ultimately, the system helps to reduce the number of "false" suspicions of possible counterfeit.

End-user (pharmacy, wholesaler) can find out information about alerts generated in the location of end-user’s organisation using one of 2 different ways:

A. NOOL web interface for alerts management

Organizations with more localities could prefer to use web interface, but it can of course be used by all end-user of NSOL. The user-friendly web interface of NOOL alert management system enables to find out alerts status of all alerts generated in the locality of end-user. MAH can request additional information for alert investigation and it is possible to provide it anonymously or react to situation investigated by MAH as end-user fault in case end-user found no issue on its side.

B. Direct communication via API connection

Integration of end-user’s own FMD software solution, usually used for standard operations in pharmacy or warehouse records, with  NOOL alert management system via API.

By using standard answers to queries information regarding  status of individual alerts or group of alerts can be received. Most probably request for alert status will be send from end-users within 14 days quarantine to enable verifying the medicines successfully again or return back to wholesaler/MAHs if alert status is not closed and/or verification fails. Request to verify if medicines are given the exceptions from Ministry of Health can be done, system can also be used to send predefined message or photo of medicines to MAH anonymously etc.

REGISTRATION (for access to web interface only):

For all requests related to the registration to web interface or API contact on email registrace@czmvo.cz should be used.


User manual for web interface for Pharmacies/Wholesalers

Technical documentation for developers - description of API

R4.2 - Change information

R4.1 - Change information

R4.0 - Change information

R2.4 - Change information

R2.3 - Change information

R2.2 - Change information

R2.1 - Change information

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